Teacher Training Programmme Overview
The Trainer Training Programme (TTP) has been developed to qualify university graduates to teach in the public schools. The programme will accredit graduates for their knowledge of teaching pedagogy and their skills as a trainer through ‘on-the-job’ training and assessment and enable them to become teachers in the UAE.
The course, open to graduates who have successfully passed a subject specific assessment and interview, will be a combination of ‘in class’ learning and practical application in a school setting. What this will mean in practice is you will spend part of the programme in the training centre and the rest in a school putting into practice what you have learned.
Your skills and knowledge will be assessed through examinations, e-Portfolio production and ‘on-the-job’ observation. Interviewing and expert witness testimony will also be used to establish your competence. Assessment will ultimately be the responsibility of the programme, however, the school in which you are placed will also contribute to providing evidence of standards having been met. Throughout the Teacher Training Programme, you will record all your assignments, reflective journals and lesson observations. You will also collect and produce evidence of your competence and create links to this evidence. Your tutors will also use this evidence to provide feedback and guidance.